ERC Proof of Concept (ERC PoC)


The ERC Proof of Concept (ERC PoC) grant supports the exploration of the commercial or societal potential of ERC frontier research granted projects.

Scope of the project

Principal investigators of ERC Starting, Consolidator, Advanced or Synergy grants are eligible for ERC PoC grants. Proof of Concept Grants aim at maximising the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by supporting further work (i.e., activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects.

“Co-developing competitive ERC projects with some of the brightest scientists in the field is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding aspects of working at ttopstart. Ensuring clients’ ideas coalesce into coherent research questions is both intellectually challenging and immensely satisfying, as it gives us a sneak peek at the scientific breakthroughs of tomorrow.”

–  Marie Günthel, MSc – Consultant AT TTOPSTART

How can we help you?

At ttopstart, we support researchers and innovators from both the academic and industry field, hence we help you translate successful research result into a convincing plan towards validation of the potential. In fact, the ERC PoC grant aims at bridging the gap between research and the earlier stages of marketable innovations.

Project funded with this grant should include both technical and commercial feasibility activities: we help you identify the most important milestones to enable monitoring of the innovation potential and facilitate future decision on further commercialisation.

Other related grants

EIC Transition

If a project has received an EIC Pathfinder, FET Flagship, or ERC Proof of Concept grant and aims to advance beyond the proof-of-principle stage, the EIC Transition program is the answer. It helps mature both technology and business ideas, raising their readiness levels (from TRL 5 to 6) for the market while preparing for commercialization.

Learn more >

EIC Pathfinder

EIC  Pathfinder aims to boost European leadership by funding dynamic multi-disciplinary collaborations between scientist of different fields together with entrepreneurs in different markets, hence kick-starting new research and innovation eco-systems around them. EIC Pathfinder calls for collaborative research and innovation actions that satisfy the EIC Pathfinder ‘gatekeepers’:


  • Radical vision
  • Breakthrough technological target
  • Ambitious interdisciplinary research

Learn more >

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