Rilana Huiberts, MSc


Hi, I’m Rilana.
Nice to meet you!

As a consultant, I aspire to support clients in the life sciences and health to make an impact on the research field and society. With my critical thinking mind and problem-solving skills, I will help clients to define their idea and realize their goals.

I am a consultant at ttopstart and my added value is that I am organized, try to be creative with a problem solving mindset to keep asking challenging questions, and to write high quality proposals together with scientists and experts. 

I have a background in the life sciences of my interests, bachelor and master study from pharmaceutical sciences and drug discovery & safety. Currently, I am working 2 years at ttopstart in which I developed my life science background and started to build experience in grant writing.  

The ttopstart values are Teamwork, Taking Ownership and Passion, how do you personally relate to these values? 

Teamwork: I get energy from working together with my colleagues and the scientists and experts that we are allowed to work with.  

Taking ownership: ideas are supported within ttopstart and with the projects that we do you do need to take ownership to bring it to a successful submission. With usually two colleagues on a project, the project that you work on really feel like your priority and you see it grow and become stronger from the beginning to the end of the whole process.  

Passion: it is my passion for life sciences, the innovation therein and wanting to bring a contribution to a healthier Europe.  

Roel Otten

I would like to help the innovators that are so specialized in their own topic to create a message that is understandable to researchers in other fields by creating an overview.

Contact details
+31 (0) 6 58 72 28 20
+31 (0)88 – 83 81 330

Rilana in facts

Always  in to try new food


Explores new roads with her racing bike

Loves to walk around the little streets in Amsterdam

Likes to engage her mind with escape rooms, learning to play chess and other board and card games

Frank Deege_facts