Interest Survey for IPCEI Health Wave 2 

30 June 2023

Several EU member states, including the Netherlands, are currently exploring their potential participation in the second funding round, referred to as “wave,” of the IPCEI Health initiative.

The Netherlands is already part of the first wave of IPCEI Health through the national Subsidy Scheme IPCEI Health (IPCEI-HEALTH). Wave 2 of IPCEI Health focuses on sustainable design and manufacturing of medical devices, connected and portable medical imaging, and the lifespan of active implantable medical devices (AIMDs).

Opportunities for the Netherlands

For the Netherlands, this presents a unique opportunity to contribute to the sustainability and circularity of the medical device sector, according to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Projects related to sustainable design and manufacturing of medical devices will be given priority. The conditions for participation will include the following:

  • The project should align with one of the aforementioned themes.
  • The project should focus on high-quality innovation and/or further scaling it to achieve initial industrial application (FID).

Upcoming Interest Survey Details

In the near future, information regarding the budget and the opening and closing dates of an interest survey for wave 2 will be published. It is important to note that expressing interest in the survey does not constitute a formal subsidy application, and participants are not bound to any commitments. However, only participants who have shown interest in the survey will be eligible to apply for subsidies under the IPCEI Health Subsidy Scheme.


The upcoming interest survey for wave 2 of the IPCEI Health initiative presents an exciting opportunity for the Netherlands to contribute to the advancement of the medical device sector. By focusing on themes such as sustainable design, connected medical imaging, and lifespan of AIMDs, the Netherlands can promote innovation, circularity, and the overall sustainability of healthcare technology. Companies and organizations interested in participating should stay tuned for the release of detailed information regarding the interest survey, including the budget and application deadlines. Embracing this opportunity can pave the way for groundbreaking projects and foster collaboration within the EU’s IPCEI Health framework.

For more information visit the website of IPCEI – RVO (in Dutch).

The upcoming interest survey for wave 2 of the IPCEI Health initiative presents an exciting opportunity for the Netherlands to contribute to the advancement of the medical device sector. By focusing on themes such as sustainable design, connected medical imaging, and lifespan of AIMDs, the Netherlands can promote innovation, circularity, and the overall sustainability of healthcare technology.

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